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Our Quality

Supporting the growth of the Auckland region for over 100 years

Our Delivery Carbon Footprint

For over 100 years Kings Quarry has been a proud supplier of quality Auckland aggregate and other materials supporting the growth of the Auckland region. Located just north of Auckland the carbon footprint of material delivery can be significantly reduced when compared to suppliers from outside the region.


Kings Quarry is currently divided into 11 different lots/allotments that is spread over a total of 167 hectares. The land of Kings Quarry is well positioned to service future Auckland growth by providing a cost-effective supply of quality Auckland aggregate and eventually being an area that can be developed into a potential suburb of Auckland in time. This offers Kings Quarry a strong, long-term potential as a sub division post quarrying activity.

Rock Quality

We offer a variety of quality Auckland aggregate rock and stone materials including; Pebbly Sandstone to Conglomerate, Conglomerate, Sandstone to Pebbly Sandstone & Material B with a high limestone/mudstone content. 

It is estimated that the mineral resources, which could be extracted within the site boundaries are between 180 and 210 million tonnes (80 million m³) of product.